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  • M

this is me

Hiya everyone!

I am a young artist, passionate about pretty much everything : painting, performing, writing, filming... The list goes on. If there's one thing, you will find out on my blog is how much I love to create and share it.

I used to have a blog with the same name which I completely started over for my two years of sharing what I create on the Internet! So I changed the design and better the content to who I am today!

Cadmium Red is the name of my favorite colour, I use this red in all my paintings, I visualize its hues in all my dreams and get inspired by its vibrations to speak poetry. Cadmium Red is a very spellbinding colour, it's a dark and warm red that catches my attention and never leaves it.

Here it is! The new website I've been so excited about! I can't wait to share and to create new connections and conversations with you! Drop comments, tell me your suggestions or ask questions, I love reading all you have to say and make new friends!

Don't hesitate to contact me to collaborate, I am always so thrilled to be working with others because it's such a great opportunity to discover new things!

Love and light,

to a life filled with art.

M xx

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